Factors Affecting Supply Chain Best Practices on Performance of Preference Groups in Turkana County, Kenya

2022 Industrial Engineering Letters  
This research project was to explore the factors affecting supply chain best practices on performance of preference groups in Kenya. The specific objective for this study was outsourcing, green supply chain, collaborative strategic sourcing and Information and communication technology .This study was anchored on different theories relevant to the variables under this study. This study was a descriptive survey research design. Sample and sampling techniques for this study was Purposive random
more » ... pling, since the respondents have the same experience, culture, age and .Data was collected using questionnaires. This was both structured and semi structured questionnaires. Pilot testing of 10% was applied to the responsible respondents so as to reliability and validity of the research instruments and where possible correction was made to improve the research instrument.
doi:10.7176/iel/12-2-02 fatcat:ioki3mqcybb4bkfg3zl5p5odya