An Experimental Clinical Study of Time Anxiety(1)

Hidetoshi Seiwa
1993 The Japanese Journal of Health Psychology  
Tilne anxiety seems to be constructed of twO different emotional components, sense of tirrle urgency and anticipation of receiving undisired outcome in an probability. ′ 「 he purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of tilne pressure and anticipation of receiving white noise on the subjective,behavioral and physiological indices of state anxiety response; STAI, task performance and error,heart rate.SutteCtS Were 80 undergraduates and Time Anxiety Scale was used to measure the degree
more » ... of time anxiety trait. According to the person¨situation interacition model, we predicted that state anxiety of high tirne anxious group would more increase than of low anxious group during a tirrle pressure condition,but not during an aversive white noise condition. The results did not confirrn our prediction.All subjects showed higer state anxiety in an indices during a tilne pressure condition than during a white noise condition. The group differences of state anxiety could be observed in phasic change,but not in tonic level.
doi:10.11560/jahp.6.2_21 fatcat:yfftopamcneqtopg27g7emoxcm