Development Of An Effective Strategy For Regional Socio-Economic Development

Angela Bahauovna Mottaeva
2022 European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences   unpublished
The study of mountain areas has always received great attention from science. However, the lack of a unified model for the development of mountain areas leads to a variety of recommendations that may not always be consistent. To achieve sustainable development, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the natural resource potential and level of economic development of the analyzed territory. The object description is an m-dimensional vector, where m is the number of signs used
more » ... characterize the object, with the j-th coordinate of this vector equal to the value of the j-th feature, j = 1 ,. .., m. In the description of an object, the absence of information about the meaning of a particular feature is permissible. The combination of a certain number of objects and their attributes is a sample on which n algorithms (proposed development models) have been worked out. The quality of operation of each algorithm is assessed (the model is estimated by the Boolean function). None of the algorithms considered performed perfectly on all the set of specified objects. A logical method is proposed for constructing a new algorithm (correction model), which is optimal on the entire set of recognized objects. The result of the study is the optimal model which includes the positive properties of the previously considered models and corrects their shortcomings. The proposed approach may be the basis for obtaining expert assessments and recommendations in order to build an optimal strategy for the development of mountain areas.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2022.03.120 fatcat:62efr7js4fdhdjb7f2gxu6d3za