Smart Environment Application Architecture

Zigor Salvador, Mikel Larrea, Alberto Lafuente
2008 The Proceedings of the Second ICST International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare   unpublished
Pervasive computing is a field where many different entities come into play. In particular, development of useful applications in the field of pervasive healthcare requires dealing with substantial levels of complexity regarding the management of the pervasive environment where users and applications coexist. Service oriented middleware architectures simplify the task of creating those applications and turn the management of pervasive environments into a productive activity. We present our
more » ... ng approach to the design of such a middleware architecture, known as the Smart Environment Application Architecture.
doi:10.4108/icst.pervasivehealth2008.3175 fatcat:p6mgol76rrecld3vj45477piwu