
1996 Carcinogenesis  
The authors wish to make it clear that in the legend to Figure 4 on page 1054 of the above mentioned article, the letters (b) and (c) should be reversed. The figure should have appeared as below. Fig. 4. Electron micrographs of dividing female rat hepatocytes demonstrating possible mechanisms of aneuploidy induction after treatment with a single oral dose of 35 mgkg toremifene. Toremifene treatment resulted in hepatic aneuploidy, with some metaphase spreads containing chromosomes lagging on the
more » ... spindle and the exclusion of other chromosomes from the spindle (a). In addition, in some cases toremifene treatment also resulted in the total elimination of a metaphase plate (c). Furthermore, toremifene (35 mgkg) administration resulted in some metaphase spreads containing multipolar spindles, while others demonstrated exclusion of some chromosomes from the spindle apparatus (b).
doi:10.1093/carcin/17.6.1393 fatcat:kckksymcdbatrpk4b7wyhxdmgu