Facilitation and Support as Factor Affecting Motivation of Market

Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand
2014 Journal of Business and Management Sciences  
During the last decade, theoretical and empirical researches have indicated that organizational facilitation and support as a process occurs in various sites and situations, and it should not viewed from only economic-profit perspective. The importance and growth of the products and services reviewed that it is expanding globally. Furthermore, researchers believe that the primary objective of the corporate organizational facilitation and support is creation of dynamism, competitive structure
more » ... culture. Facilitation and support -management behavior in organizations regarded as a tool for organizations' growth and profitability, strategic innovation, organizational and customer-oriented changes. This article attempts to explain the facilitation and support plan management by pasterns of thinking. The importance of strategic, long-term policy and facilitation and support plan management is very clear to planners. Facilitation and support managers like to follow a similar and routine facilitation and support behavioral pattern.
doi:10.12691/jbms-2-1-2 fatcat:ioaiaplglfed7nhvhex5pikjku