VCT Counselor Activities in handling HIV Patients in RSUD Karawang District: Case Study of VCT Counseling Activities in HIV Patient Management at RSUD Karawang

Siti Nursanti
2018 Proceedings of the International Conference of Communication Science Research (ICCSR 2018)   unpublished
VCT counseling is one of the hospital services that specialize in self-care to serve HIV / AIDS-indicated patients. VCT counseling can only be done by a certified specialist. This study aims to examine how the communication process that occurs in the practice of VCT Counseling services conducted by health personnel and why VCT counseling activities should be done by health petugs in RSUD Karawang. This study uses a case study approach considering the uniqueness of the VCT Counseling process
more » ... can only be done by certified health workers. The results of this study are effective communication process required in the organization of VCT activities in the hospital, effective communication skills, assistance from peer support groups and government policies in the provision of material support for VCT counseling officers is expected to be one of the effective activities to prevent the spread of HIV AIDS virus.
doi:10.2991/iccsr-18.2018.94 fatcat:vyv3fzxfxrcsbk2vbcx2hh4yuy