Effect of process parameters on the antioxidant activities of bioactive compounds from Harad (Terminalia chebula retz.)

Shilpa Soni, H Sharma, Pragati Kaushal, C Singh
2015 unpublished
Terminalia chebula retz (T. Chebula) is a herb known as king of medicinal plants in ayurvedic world. Presence of a large number of phytoconstituents makes T. Chebula a potential source of nutraceuticals and can become cynosure of modern nutraceutical world. Therefore, the objective of this study was to optimize the extraction conditions for bioactive constituents from T. Chebula fruits using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and quantification of bioactive compounds in the optimized extract
more » ... ng GC-MS analysis. A central composite face centered design (CCD) was employed in this study. The extraction conditions for bioactive constituents from T. Chebula fruits were optimized by using three independent process variables, i.e. methanol concentration, 50%-90%, extraction temperature, 50° C-70° C and extraction time, 30-60 min. Effect of extraction parameters was found to be significant. The optimum extraction conditions were identified as 90% in methanol concentration, 70° C in temperature and 59.94 min for maximum total phenolic content (TPC), 3.87 GAE mg/g, total flavonoid content (TFC), 361.37 CE mg/g, total antioxidant activity(TAA), 0.158 AAE mM/g and α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging activity (DSA), 86.28%. Experimental values for response variables under the optimum conditions were found reasonably close to the predicted value. GC-MS analysis of methanol extract of T. Chebula fruits under the optimum conditions led to the identification of seven major bioactive compounds. The results showed that T. Chebula possesses wide range of bioactive compounds and can be utilized as a potential natural plant in the development of functional foods and nutraceutical supplements.