Ginger extract ameliorates paraben induced biochemical changes in liver and kidney of mice

Ramtej J Verma, Veena Asnani
Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research  
The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the effect of paraben (p-hydroxybenzoic acid) on acidic, basic, and neutral proteins content, as well as carbohydrate and cholesterol contents in liver and kidney of mice. Adult female albino mice were orally administrated with 2.25 and 4.5 mg of paraben in 0.2 mL of olive/animal/day for thirty days. The results revealed dose dependent, significant reduction in acidic, basic, and neutral protein, carbohydrate contents and an increase in
more » ... terol content of the investigated liver and kidney. Oral administration of aqueous extract of Zinziber officinale (3 mg/animal/day) along with paraben for thirty days caused significant amelioration in all the protein types, carbohydrate and cholesterol of liver and kidney.
pmid:17695143 fatcat:rbro4mj6nfcmzfp3sa3k4cvr24