Photonic crystal nanocavities with quantum well or quantum dot active material

Tomoyuki Yoshie, Marko Loncar, Koichi Okamoto, Yueming Qiu, Oleg B. Shchekin, Hao Chen, Dennis G. Deppe, Axel Scherer, Ali Adibi, Axel Scherer, Shawn-Yu Lin
2004 Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices II  
Photonic crystal nanocavities with quantum well or quantum dot active material," Proc. SPIE 5360, ABSTRACT We have investigated the miniaturization of photonic devices for ultimate photon localization, and have demonstrated two-dimensional photonic crystal nanolasers with two important quantum nanostructures-quantum wells (QWs) and quantum dots (QDs). Photonic crystal cavities with QW active material are simple, but powerful nanolasers to produce intense laser output for signal processing. On
more » ... e other hand, when located in a highquality factor (Q) nanocavity, because QD(s) strongly couple with the intense optical field, QD photonic crystal cavities are expected to be good experimental setups to study cavity quantum electrodynamics, in addition to high speed and compact laser sources. Our photonic crystal nanolasers have showed as small thresholds as 0.12mW and 0.22mW for QD-photonic crystal lasers and QW-photonic crystal lasers, respectively, by proper cavity designs and nanofabrication. For QD-photonic crystal lasers, whispering gallery modes in square lattice were used together with coupled cavity designs and, for QW-photonic crystal lasers, quadrapole modes in triangular lattice with fractional edge dislocations were used to produce high-Q modes with small mode volume.
doi:10.1117/12.525869 fatcat:k2xiaycydzbndmu4ibpkhewzqi