LIN volume 11 issue 1 Cover and Back matter

1975 Journal of Linguistics  
The analysis of connected discourse, and especially the language which takes place when people talk to each other, is a subject of growing interest for linguists. Based on important work by a research team at Birmingham, this book reviews the whole field of discourse analysis and then uses samples of classroom language to evolve a general system of analysis. A final chapter discusses the implications of this system, in the light of continuing research. Paper covers £1.50 forthcoming Semantic
more » ... tax Edited by Pieter A. M. Seuren The aim of this collection of articles is to provide an insight into certain live issues of linguistic theory which seem crucial to our understanding of the phenomenon 'human language'. Two problem areas have been singled out: the nature and grammatical status of lexical items, and the relation between linguistic structure and classical predicate calculus, especially the status of logical operators in natural language. Paper covers £1.20 Oxford Readings in Philosophy
doi:10.1017/s0022226700004230 fatcat:rc4pjqhvvfc53dvzp2wafv7fqq