Comprehensive Security and Cooperative Security in Southeast Asia: ASEAN's and the ARF's Responses to Non-Traditional Security Issues in the post-Cold War era [thesis]

Yih Chang
This study applies the concepts of comprehensive and cooperative security in order to explore how Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) have dealt with non-traditional security (NTS) issues in Southeast Asia after the Cold War, and what individual countries strategic thinking affected when tackling these threats. In investigating the task, the dissertation considers a broad range of issues, including (but not limited to): the intrastate conflicts in
more » ... st Timor, Aceh, and the southern Philippines; transnational crimes (with a focus here on narcotics) and terrorism; and the 2004 Indonesian tsunami and Cyclone Nargis. It is found that ASEAN and the ARF emphasized a common rhetorical position rather than initiated a collective strategy in dealing with these issues in the region; the national and the sub-regional efforts occurred mostly when seeking to tackle these threats. However, there has been an emergence of consensus in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami and Cyclone Nargis, which takes a somewhat more proactive and positive stance in better responding to future natural disasters.
doi:10.26190/unsworks/15342 fatcat:rwsxho6omjesxk4fh62aq56gsq