Assessment of the vulnerability factors for the Bosco Pantano nature reserve (Policoro, Southern Italy): the SWOT-AHP dynamic approach
Valutazione dei fattori di vulnerabilità della riserva naturale Bosco Pantano di Policoro: l'approccio dinamico SWOT - AHP

D Travascia, M Castellaneta, A Colucci, G Cirelli, A Lapolla, G Misano, E De Capua, M Rosito, F Ripullone
2022 Forest@  
The Regional Oriented Reserve "Bosco Pantano" near Policoro (province of Matera, Southern Italy) has been established to preserve one of the most interesting lowland forests in Southern Italy which survived to the uncontrolled land drainage and intensive agriculture occurred in the last century. Floodplain forests were indiscriminately exploited for millenia according to economic demands, that led to a loss of habitats and their biodiversity. In this context, a survey was carried out through a
more » ... uestionnaire administered to local stakeholders with the aim of investigating the most relevant factors that might impact on the ecosystem vulnerability of the natural reserve, either now or in the future, thus undermining its survival. The application of the hybrid method SWOT-AHP (A'WOT) allowed to categorize the different SWOT factors. The survey revealed the strong and shared willingness of stakeholders to valorize the peculiar characteristics of the reserve in order to promote its protection and preserve its biodiversity. Nonetheless, several critical points were found like the poor attention to the weaknesses factors, that might compromise the survival of the protected forest. In general, a limited interest in the research and monitoring activities, as well as their possible benefits on the whole area, has been recorded. Yet, multiple actions are recommended for the preservation and valorization of the peculiarity of this biotype, for example by promoting the development of sustainable forms of tourism, implementing long-term research and monitoring projects, establishing control bodies, and improving the environmental awarness of local inhabitants through specific dissemination.
doi:10.3832/efor4133-019 fatcat:lk4xonbv7fb7hmydbj2mcuavxi