Yu. A. Balanova, S. A. Shalnova, A. D. Deev, A. E. Imaeva, A. V. Kontsevaya, G. A. Muromtseva, А. V. Kapustina, S. E. Evstifeeva, О. M. Drapkina
Russian Journal of Cardiology
Aim. Evaluation of the prevalence of obesity and association with the risk factors of chronic non-communicable diseases of the inhabitants of selected regions of Russia, by the data from ESSE-RF study.Material and methods. Representative selections investigated, of the inhabitants of 13 regions of Russia, totally 21768 participants, males n=8 304, females n=13 464, age 25-64 y. o., under the circumstances of the study "Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases (ESSE-RF)", with response ~80%.
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... ard questionnaire, consisting 12 modules, was developed based upon adapted international methods. For the risk factors prevalence assessment, the standard epidemiological methods were applied. Body mass (BM) was evaluated in the categories of body mass index (BMI) (Ketle index: BMI — Body mass, kg / height, m2). BM as BMI was evaluated as insufficient (BMI <18,5), normal (18,5≤ BMI ≤24,9), overweight (25,0≤ BMI ≤29,9), obesity grade I (30,0 ≤BMI ≤34,9), obesity grade II (35,0 ≤BMI ≤39,9) and obesity grade III (BMI ≥40,0). Abdominal obesity (AO) was assessed with the criteria: for males waist circumference (WC) ≥102 cm and for females ≥88 cm.Results. Mean BMI value among the participants was 27,6 kg/m2, with no gender difference. BMI increases with the age only in women. WC — 87,8 cm ±0,1, among males it was significantly higher than in females (92,9 cm vs 84,1 cm, p<0,001), increasing with age. The prevalence of obesity was higher among females comparing to males: by BMI — 30,8% vs 26,9%, p<0,001; by AO — 38,4% vs 24,3%, p<0,001. The prevalence of obesity in female inhabitants of rural regions was significantly higher comparing to citizens (p<0,001), and in the group of higher education, there was no difference among males wither by BMI (p<0,005), or by AO (p<0,001). There was no clear geographic gradient of the risk factors. The prevalence of obesity increases linearly with the age, in males from 14,3% to 36,3%, p<0,001, and in females from 10,7% to 52,3%, p<0,001. AO was more prevalent in women comparing to men in every of analyzed age group, and with the age this difference gets more profound. In the multifactorial model the associations of risk factors were analyzed, with any type of obesity. Close relation was found for obesity and raised levels of glucose and triglycerides, with alcohol overconsumption. Most significant associations were found for obesity and AH in both genders — OR: 2,71 and 2,52 in men and women, respectively. There was linear increase of AH prevalence with mean SBP and DBP, together with BM.Conclusion. In Russian population, obesity is associated most closely with alcohol overconsumption, increased glucose level, lipid disorders and especially strongly — with systemic hypertension, the factors that increase prevalence with age. Burden of this closely interrelated factors on healthcare system will increase with the portion of elderly inhabitants of the country. State of affairs demand for a complex approach based on the governmental politics on the control of populational levels of bodyweight, beginning at elementary school, with mass-media involvement, as the groceries manufacturers, regional governments.