Characteristic of the Naming of Hotels in Tengchong Heshun Ancient Town

Meian Zhang
2016 Proceedings of the 2015 3rd International Conference on Education, Management, Arts, Economics and Social Science   unpublished
Heshun ancient town in Tengchong, Yunnan is a famous home town of overseas Chinese and one of the top ten charming towns in China; furthermore, it is a well-known tourist attraction in China. There are nearly 200 hotels at local. This paper discusses the characteristic of the hotel naming in Heshun ancient town from the characteristic of lingual formation, the characteristic of content component and characteristic of cultural psychology in hotel naming for the purpose of exploring the language
more » ... pplication in local hotel naming. Specifically, the content of Heshun ancient town naming is very rich, it can be said as varied, dizzying. To sum up, there are the following naming modes: Naming related to titles This class of naming is plain, easy to remember, there are three naming modes: Naming with family name: He Shun ( the hotel owners are two brothers with the family name of Cun) and so on Naming with given name: He Shun
doi:10.2991/icemaess-15.2016.61 fatcat:ovbsnhihcvhgvgepjrojcloi5a