Miniature Tri-Wide Band Sierpinski-Minkowski Fractals Metamaterial Perfect Absorber

Majid Amiri, Farzad Tofigh, Negin Shariati, Justin Lipman, Mehran Abolhasan
2019 IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation  
With rapidly growing adoption of wireless technologies, requirements for the design of a miniature wideband multiresonators are increasing. In this study, a compact fractal-based metamaterial structure with lumped resistors is described. The structure of the authors proposed absorber is a combination of Sierpinski curve and Minkowski fractal. The new combination provides larger capacitance and inductance in the system enabling perfect absorption at lower frequencies. The final structure with
more » ... ensions of 20 × 20 × 1.6 mm 3 and an air gap of 12.5 mm provides three main resonances at frequencies of 2.1, 5.1, and 12.8 GHz with bandwidth (absorption ratio over 90%) of 840 MHz, 1.05 GHz, and 910 MHz, respectively.
doi:10.1049/iet-map.2018.5837 fatcat:zlm4gmarnfbv5bwo2nqpis2tl4