Drug repurposing through joint learning on knowledge graphs and literature [article]

Mona Alshahrani, Robert Hoehndorf
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
Drug repurposing is the problem of finding new uses for known drugs, and may either involve finding a new protein target or a new indication for a known mechanism. Several computational methods for drug repurposing exist, and many of these methods rely on combinations of different sources of information, extract hand-crafted features and use a computational model to predict targets or indications for a drug. One of the distinguishing features between different drug repurposing systems is the
more » ... ection of features. Recently, a set of novel machine learning methods have become available that can efficiently learn features from datasets, and these methods can be applied, among others, to text and structured data in knowledge graphs. We developed a novel method that combines information in literature and structured databases, and applies feature learning to generate vector space embeddings. We apply our method to the identification of drug targets and indications for known drugs based on heterogeneous information about drugs, target proteins, and diseases. We demonstrate that our method is able to combine complementary information from both structured databases and from literature, and we show that our method can compete with well-established methods for drug repurposing. Our approach is generic and can be applied to other areas in which multi-modal information is used to build predictive models.
doi:10.1101/385617 fatcat:mkkqfoiqprcuzhl35pvgjdpimu