Integer quantum Hall effect and related phenomena
Целочисленный квантовый эффект Холла и сопряжённые с ним явления

Valerii T. Dolgopolov
2014 Uspehi fiziceskih nauk  
Experimental and theoretical research into the integer Hall effects is reviewed, together with other transport phenomena in a twodimensional electron gas in a quantizing magnetic éeld. Particular emphasis is placed on primary experimental data, on the comparison of experimental and theoretical results, and on the analysis of theoretical predictions from the point of view of their experimental veriécation. Among experiments of recent years, those that raised questions to be resolved are
more » ... ed. Possible directions for further research are suggested.
doi:10.3367/ufnr.0184.201402a.0113 fatcat:ssmqhhquy5hrhkllwm6conligy