Using educational webcasts in small multigrade schools of isolated islands

Michail Giannakos, Panayiotis Vlamos
2012 International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT)   unpublished
In this study primary schools' educational system in small and isolated islands of Greece is presented. These areas are characterized by inaccessibility and isolation as it happens in most multigrade schools. For facing the difficulties of multigrade schooling, curriculums should be engaged with different learning strategies. In this case study conducted an investigation of the effectiveness of educational webcast as an auxiliary manner under multigrade schooling conditions. The research was
more » ... ried out in six small and isolated schools in Greece. The field study compared mulitigrade traditional teaching to webcast enhanced multigrade teaching. The educational webcast was deployed to 22 primary school students. The results of the study indicated that educational webcasts can have a valuable contribution to multigrade primary schools students. The implications of the findings are discussed for practice and research.