The Impact of Organisational Culture on ERP Systems Implementation: Lessons from Jordan

Ahmad Rabaai
2009 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems  
Jordan is adopting Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in both its public and private sectors. Jordan's emerging private sector has historically close ties to the public sector; though a global market orientation requires a shift in its organisational culture. ERPs however embed business processes which do not necessarily fit with traditional cultural practices, and implementation success is not assured. This study looks at the perceptions of both public and private sector ERP
more » ... ions in Jordan and assesses these on various measures of success. There were few differences between public and private sectors, but the benefits actually realized in Jordanian ERPs fell short of claims made for the technology in other cultures.
dblp:conf/pacis/Rabaai09 fatcat:t5orle4ixbastaqpryskjipurm