Review on Organizational Change in the Field of Lean Manufacturing

Sasmitamohanty et al., Sasmitamohanty et al.,, TJPRC
2020 International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development  
Lean manufacturing systems" is commonly used in industrial industries around the world. The poor success rate of lean transitions has, however, provided reason for concern in several countries. Most of the research has found out that the key explanation for this was the inability to handle the transition cycle during a lean manufacturing transformation. Lean manufacturing is now a commonly recognized and implemented best practice in production across countries and sectors today. A lean
more » ... ion's primary aim is to build an efficient, high quality operation that can deliver finished goods with little to no waste at the pace of consumer demands.This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the literature in the sense of corporate change management for lean manufacturing strategies. Furthermore, the researchers suggested a lean production application operational transition structure that would serve as the foundation for more scientific analysis and evaluation. The methodology would also extend the information base by integrating management of internal transformation with the change to introducing a lean manufacturing program.
doi:10.24247/ijmperdjun202010100 fatcat:pqb7bldh3fdk7gyvthw7fw2v5q