The Influence of Managerial Capabilities Problem on a Firm Growth

Charles I. Uche
2015 Zenodo  
This present study attempts to provide empirical evidence on the influence of managerial capacity problem on a firm growth. It specifically investigates how managerial capabilities relate to the firm growth in private institutions of higher learning in Nigeria. The aspect of managerial capacity considered in this study is the competencies, abilities and firm knowledge. Towards this end, a cross-sectional design with questionnaire survey on 50 employees comprising both academic and non-academic
more » ... dministrative staff of Oduduwa University, Ipetumadu, Osun State, Nigeria was conducted. Self-administered questionnaire procedure was adopted to obtain data pertaining to managerial capabilities and firm growth from the participants. Regression analysis was used to examine the proposed relationship and it was found that finance-fund is significantly related to business performance of the private universities as hypothesized. Discussion on the findings is highlighted, so as the implications for practice and future research. Limitations of the study are also offered.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3966011 fatcat:iltmi43wtvf5rj6vb6csnoifxi