GIS‐based modeling of glacial hazards and their interactions using Landsat‐TM and IKONOS imagery

Christian Huggel, Andreas Kääb, Nadine Salzmann
2004 Norwegian Journal of Geography  
Hazard interactions in glacial and periglacial environments are of crucial importance due to their potential for causing major catastrophes. Nevertheless, glacial and periglacial hazards have usually been modeled separately to date. In this study, we therefore propose a methodological strategy for modeling and assessing glacial and periglacial hazard interactions on a regional scale, including ice avalanches, lake outbursts and periglacial debris flows. Due to climate-related rapid changes in
more » ... acial and periglacial areas, methods which incorporate monitoring capacities are needed. Hence, the methods presented here are based on remote sensing data, which are particularly powerful for monitoring tasks, and GIS modeling. For ice avalanche and lake-outburst hazard detection and modeling, we applied recently published methods based on Landsat-TM imagery, terrain modeling and flow routing. For detection of potential debris-flow initiation zones in steep debris reservoirs, we present a novel method based on image processing of IKONOS data and terrain modeling, followed by flow modeling. Using this method, we achieve the synthesis of the individual process modeling in order to assess the potential interactions. The modeling is applied to a study region in the central Swiss Alps. The results show that systematic modeling based on remote sensing and GIS is suitable for first-order assessment of glacial and periglacial hazard interactions as well as assessments of possible consequences, including impacts on traffic routes and other infrastructure. Based on this, critical cases can be detected and analyzed by subsequent detailed studies.
doi:10.1080/00291950410002296 fatcat:dpqdfse3qrfzjklnhbzdsmebdq