Warping thermal deformation constraint for optimization of a blade stiffened composite panel using GA

Akira Todoroki, Takumi Ozawa
2014 The Proceedings of The Computational Mechanics Conference  
This paper deals with the optimization of blade stiffened composite panels. The main objective of the research is to make response surfaces for the constraints. The response surface for warping thermal deformation was previously made for a fixed dimension composite structure. In this study, the dimensions of the blade stiffener were treated as design variables. This meant that a new response surface technique was required for the constraints. For the response surfaces, the lamination
more » ... linear thermal expansions and dimensions of the structures were used as variables. A genetic algorithm was adopted as an optimizer, and an optimal result, which satisfied two constraints, was obtained. As a result, a new response surface was obtained, for predicting warping thermal deformation.
doi:10.1299/jsmecmd.2014.27.258 fatcat:p3l4fjimpjedlf74vmqljjvzhi