Qualification of Ni-Based Alloys for Advanced Ultra Supercritical Plants

K. Maile
2013 Procedia Engineering  
For the realization of advanced ultra-supercritical pl alloys are indispensable. This paper describes the on such as Alloy 617, Alloy 263 and Alloy 740 within th For safe design and reliable operation of compone (PED) have to be fulfilled. Experimental work was d long-term creep strength values for the design of calculation of the creep behaviour by using a const make full use of the strength potential but also t Investigation of the microstructure by optical micro electron microscopy (TEM) of the as delivered and temperature.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2013.03.245 fatcat:ai7nyx4urjblfgcrk3jyjbnfye