Implementation and Impacts of Low Emission Zones on Freight Activities in Europe: Local Schemes Versus National Schemes

Cecilia Cruz, Antoine Montenon
2016 Transportation Research Procedia  
One of the ways in which air quality in urban areas can be improved is by introducing Low Emission Zones, which are areas to which access by the most polluting vehicles is restricted. The decision to implement such zones may be taken either locally or as part of a national scheme. The research presented in this paper aims to examine the differences of socio-economic impacts between the implementation of each type of scheme, in particular with regard to freight transport. We have taken as
more » ... s two cities with Low Emission Zones: London and Berlin.
doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2016.02.010 fatcat:guobjrfoabae7j7hgoom65pjl4