On a multi-standard ABC analysis method in the inventory management of Small and medium-sized enterprises

Zhang Yongxia
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Advanced ICT   unpublished
with the development of thirty years, China's small and medium-sized enterprises make the important role in the spring tide of market economy, which has become the national economy "half of the country ". But the small and medium-sized enterprises have their own problems, such as personnel and funds limited, so how to use the least money to solve the practical problems is the key need of enterprises. A multi-standard ABC analysis method can greatly reduce the enterprise's cost and easy to use.
more » ... eywords: ABC analysis method inventory fuzzy theory entropy theory With the development of economy, the inventory management plays an important role in logistics management in enterprises. there are have some measures almost do not cost a lot, but it can get good results, for example --ABC analysis method is one of them, which is widely used in practice. ABC analysis is a kind of application of the Pareto principle in economics in the inventory management, it will be divided the company's products into A, B and C, and different categories of products using different methods of inventory management.
doi:10.2991/icaicte.2013.158 fatcat:hbfcjbi4pnbdvpkgs5cqc4mxty