Parameter estimation for ARCH(1) models based on Kalman filter

J. Allal, M. Benmoumen
2014 Applied Mathematical Sciences  
In this work, we propose a new estimate algorithm for the parameters of a ARCH(1) model without any assumptions about initial values which are important in QMLE method. This algorithm turns out to be very reliable in estimating the true parameter values of a given model. It combines maximum likelihood method, Kalman filter algorithm and the SPSA method. Simulation results demonstrate that the algorithm is viable and promising. Note that this work is not a special case of our paper on the GARCH
more » ... 1,1) (see Allal and Benmoumen [1]) Mathematics Subject Classification: 62Fxx, 62M10 and 68U20
doi:10.12988/ams.2014.43164 fatcat:ve2ie7dqzjchvllx7gbhk45f6q