1P212 Auditory brainstem response in aged mice(Neural network and brain computing,Poster Presentations)
1P212 加齢によるマウス聴性脳幹反応の変化(神経回路・脳の情報処理,ポスター発表,第45回日本生物物理学会年会)

Yoshiichiro Kitamura, Yutaka Kirino
2007 Seibutsu Butsuri  
Synap ve 血 e e}Ule in pres } maptic terminalG of nem ' ous system is critica1 tbr 血 formation processing withi 血 the brai 皿 . Optical trappbighas recent [ y becDme a useful tool hl handl血 g omat 曲 』. Asmie nmmparticleormoleadearediMculttobe trapped蜘 . 1 of 呂 ma 且 pslarizabilty , h冊 モ , ver there are increas 血g evidences t t Polymers and manopartieles cun be 脚 ped and nssemb ] ed 舳 e 鬩 5p 。t . . We in 磯 a 祕 出e oP 翩 歴app 血 gef距ctorL 翩 e dynall オc5 hipp amp 日 王Smapses byfluovescence spectp 〕scop }
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doi:10.2142/biophys.47.s76_3 fatcat:saja5dfv6nhvzekxj4lylnc22a