Through Polemic to the Truth (the case of Debate between Sh. Mardjani and his Opponents in the Volga Region in the last third of the 19th century)

Dinara Mardanova
2019 Islamology  
The article is focused on the theological debates on the issues of 'aqidah between Shihabaddin Mardjani and his opponents. The debate can be viewed as a mechanism for seeking and affirming the Truth. As one of the possible responses of Tatar Muslims to the imperial challenge, the religious debate is analyzed in the context of changed political, economic and social conditions of the modern period, when the new boundaries of the religious tradition were outlined through theological discussions
more » ... ut the kalam and divine attributes and at the same time the reality itself was revised in the light of the sources.
doi:10.24848/islmlg.09.1.09 fatcat:5ij4xu6wpnedtf3p6ilrjay4pm