From Peak to Trough: Decline of the Algerian "Islamist Vote"

Chuchu Zhang
2016 Chinese Political Science Review  
What are the factors that facilitate or hinder Islamic political parties' performance in elections in the Middle East and North Africa? Why did Algerian Islamists as an electoral force declined steadily over the past two decades? Why didn't Algerian electoral Islamists present the same mobilization capacity as their counterparts in neighboring countries did in early 2010s following the Arab Spring? In analyzing the evolution of three related variables: incumbents' power structure and political
more » ... penness; electoral Islamists' inclusiveness and unity; and the framing process of Islamic political parties to build a legitimacy, the article tries to address the questions and contribute to the theoretical framework of the political process model by applying it to a case that is typical in MENA. 1 Islamic political parties here refer to the organizations that are ideologically based on Islamic texts and frameworks, and seek legal political participation through elections. Apolitical Islamic cultural associations and armed Islamist organizations which refuse to engage in elections are beyond the scope of this article.
doi:10.1007/s41111-016-0018-y fatcat:jurnondlends7p2mbeoxfw4qui