Upgrade of the ALBA Magnetic Laboratory for Measuring LIPAc HEBT Quadrupoles and Dipole

Josep Campmany, Fulvio Becheri, Beatriz Brañas, Jesus Castellanos, Laura Garcia-Orta, Jordi Marcos, Valentí Massana, Roberto Petrocelli, Satogata, Todd (Ed.), Schaa, Volker RW (Ed.)
Along 2017 ALBA magnetic measurements facility has measured LIPAc HEBT quadrupoles and dipole designed by CIEMAT and built by ELYTT company. ALBA magnetic measurements laboratory has been improved through an upgrade program of its measurement benches to complete their measurements. One of the main aims of the upgrade has been to standardize both the hardware and software and therefore ensure an easy maintenance. Especially relevant has been the upgrade of the flipping coil bench, in which the
more » ... motors and the obsolete controller have been replaced by step-motors and ICEPAP controller. Also, software has been migrated to Tango package. Hardware and software of Hall probe bench has been upgraded as well, using the last DeltaTau motion controller. Tango has been upgraded too, using Devian 8 as operative system. Next step will be the upgrade of the rotating coil hardware and software using also step-motor and ICEPAP controller. In parallel, new shafts have been build and tested, with specific designs to improve the sensitivity and minimize the noise to signal ratio. In this contribution we detail the upgrades and the results of performance tests.
doi:10.18429/jacow-ipac2018-wepmf001 fatcat:ykzvfd4r7ffqvaebhmwpyu5734