Formation of metallurgical enterprise sustainable development portfolio using the method of analyzing hierarchies

V.M. Molokanova, O.P. Orliuk, V.O. Petrenko, O.B. Butnik-Syverskyi, V.L. Khomenko
2020 Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu  
Purpose. Formalization of the main stages and methods of project portfolio formation for a metallurgical enterprise, taking into account the strategy of its sustainable development. Methodology. To characterize each element and the subsequent presentation of the corresponding weight indicator, based on which the selection of portfolio components will be performed, the classical method of hierarchy analysis is used. This method allows assessing the priorities of sustainable development of the
more » ... erprise relative to its general goal. findings. A development portfolio model has been presented that combines three elements in the interaction: economics, technology, and environmental analysis. Each of these elements is characterized by five criteria. Based on the hierarchy analysis method, it is reasonable to evaluate each of the potential components to justify their inclusion in the portfolio by integrated assess ment. The sequence of stages of the methodology for selecting projects to the portfolio of sustainable development of a metallurgi cal enterprise is described. To determine the innovativeness of projects, criteria are proposed that characterize their suitability. originality. A fundamentally new model of the development portfolio has been proposed, combining three elements in the interaction: economy, technology and environmental analysis. For the first time, criteria have been proposed for determining the innovativeness of projects that characterize the suitability of technologies for the particularities of the enterprise. A new method of forming an enterprise development portfolio using the hierarchy analysis method is presented. Practical value. As a result of the research to form the basis of project proposals, experimental training was conducted for mid level personnel of a metallurgical enterprise. After conducting preliminary studies, a database of project proposals was formed for the sustainable development portfolio of the enterprise.
doi:10.33271/nvngu/2020-2/131 fatcat:qxj657apxbdbnj5undnjwovamm