Doubling effort makes up for 6 IQ points [post]

Mikhail Simkin, Vwani Roychowdhury
2020 unpublished
We report the results of experiments where we compared with the baseline test subjects' IQs measured in two non-standard ways: by doubling the allotted time and by doubling the manpower. As a baseline, we administered the test the regular way, where we allowed each subject the standard time prescribed in test description to complete the test. We then performed two different experiments. First, we paired the subjects of roughly equal IQ and then asked them to do the test in collaboration within
more » ... he prescribed time. In the second experiment the subjects did the test solitary but were allowed twice the prescribed time. In both cases, when we doubled the allotted time, or when we doubled the manpower, we got on average a 6 point (0.4 Standard Deviation) increase in measured IQ.
doi:10.31234/ fatcat:7ocgiynqp5gmzez4ki3k3vfbky