Effects of Weakly Electrolyzed Water on Properties of Tofu (Soybean Curd)

Yasuo HARA, Hideyuki MATSUDA, Eiko ARAI
2003 Food science and technology research  
The properties of tofu prepared with weakly electrolyzed waters (anode and cathode waters) obtained by electrolysis of tap water were investigated. The use of cathode water increased the protein content of the tofu. The texture of tofu prepared with cathode and anode waters was softer than that of tofu prepared with tap water. No significant difference in the free sugar content was seen between the tofu prepared with electrolyzed and non-electrolyzed waters. However, tofu prepared with cathode
more » ... ater was evaluated as sweeter than that prepared with tap water in a sensory test. The content of total carbonyl compounds, which is related to the substantial taste of tofu, was higher in the tofu prepared with cathode and anode waters than in that prepared with tap water. These results show that the eating quality of tofu can be modified by using electrolyzed water (especially cathode water) for its preparation.
doi:10.3136/fstr.9.332 fatcat:sitmzk4lv5cnpekuf5iaisaqo4