R.D. Jr. Sisson, M.A. Dayananda
1971 unpublished
3 'J W i MULTIPHASE DIFFUSION IN Cu-Ni-Zn SYSTEM bY THIS DOCUMENT CONFIRMED AS UNCLASSIFIED R. D. Sisson, Jr. and M. A. Dayananda DIVISION OF CLASSIFICATION BY 914· a.6-1 #»t-..'-DATE 9 1 7,0 1-7 f ABSTRACT Isothermal, multiphase diffusion was investigated with infinite diffusion couples in the Cu-Ni-Zn system at 775'C. The couples were assembled with disks of a B (bcc) ternary alloy sandwiched between disks of selected binary, Cu-Ni a (fcc) alloys and were annealed for 2 hours to 2 days. The
more » ... ffusion structures were investigated metallographically and by electren probe analysis. The couples developed multiphase structures that showed transitions from planar interfaces to nonplanar morphologies with changes in composition of the a terminal alloys. The various structures are described by the aid of composition paths. The velocity of planar interfaces is discussed in terms of intrinsic fluxes in the adjacent phases.
doi:10.2172/4753417 fatcat:vimqytx72fga7fdsu2cygrvaqi