Selective Recovery of 16S rRNA Sequences from Natural Microbial Communities in the Form of cDNA

Roland Weller, David M. Ward
1989 Applied and Environmental Microbiology  
Cloning of cDNA obtained from 16S rRNA (16S rcDNA) selectively retrieves species-specific sequence information useful for analyzing the composition and structure of natural microbial communities. With this technique we obtained recombinant 16S rcDNA libraries from Escherichia coli and from a model hot-spring cyanobacterial-mat community. The recombinant plasmids contained exclusively 16S rRNA-derived inserts. This selective approach is independent of biasing culture techniques and eliminates
more » ... laborious screening required to locate 16S rRNA gene-bearing recombinants in genomic DNA libraries obtained from natural communities. It is well established that enrichment cultures and other isolation procedures will recover only a minor portion of microbial community members from natural habitats (1, 3;
doi:10.1128/aem.55.7.1818-1822.1989 fatcat:74aprlk5orblvkmacgysovbdjm