Video Heads and Rewound Bodies: Cyborg Memories in Rodrigo Fresán and Alberto Fuguet [chapter]

J. Andrew Brown
2010 Cyborgs in Latin America  
Throughout this book posthuman and cyborg realities have always been "about" something else, from surviving dictatorship to not surviving in neoliberalism. In this final chapter I examine a series of articulations of the posthuman that are merely what they are, cyborged subjectivities constructing "like" places to inhabit without much reflection on what caused their appearance. The posthumans that appear in the novels of Rodrigo Fresán and Alberto Fuguet appear as remarkable and unremarkable
more » ... ies existing within glocal matrices in highly individualized attempts to construct meaning. In so doing and being, these bodies appear in sharp contrast to the politicized posthumans that occupy Fresán and Fuguet's literary compatriot Paz Soldán's narrative. The figures that flit through Mantra (2001) and Por favor, rebobinar (1998) appear as the realities of the age, they are posthuman because there is not another way to be and are interested in the construction of memories and mythologies that explain an existence not obviously marked by political trauma. By making this argument I situate these novels within the sometimes ferocious criticism leveled at Fuguet's McOndo movement, criticisms that left Fuguet unwilling to republish the anthology of short stories that gave the group its name and that included work by Fresán and Paz Soldán among various twenty-and thirty-something male writers from Latin America J. A. Brown, Cyborgs in Latin America © J. Andrew Brown 2010
doi:10.1057/9780230109773_6 fatcat:qkvyp452s5cjrbxsecklp3lfre