Characterization and translation of methylated and unmethylated vesicular stomatitis virus mRNA synthesized in vitro by ribonucleoprotein particles from vesicular stomatitis virus-infected L cells

F Toneguzzo, H P Ghosh
1976 Journal of Virology  
Ribonucleoprotein particles isolated from extracts of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)-infected L cells synthesized in vitro four classes of polyadenylated RNA sedimenting at 29S, 19S, 17S, and 13S. When synthesized in vitro in the presence of the methyl donor S-adenosyl methionine, these RNA species contained the following 5'-terminal structures: (i) m7G5 ppp5'AmpAp (70%); (ii) M 7G 5'ppp5 AmpAmpNp (20%); and (iii) pppAp (10%). In the presence of the methylation inhibitor
more » ... , however, the mRNA contained the 5'-terminal structures G5 ppp5 Ap (80%) and pppAp (20%).
doi:10.1128/jvi.17.2.477-491.1976 fatcat:o6k6hi5fazc5far2v6bhj7aysa