Energy efficient data retrieval for networked multi-mode wireless sensors

Cory C. Cress, Shanchieh J. Yang, Moises Sudit
2004 Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Performance evaluation of wireless ad hoc, sensor, and ubiquitous networks - PE-WASUN '04  
This paper develops a mixed-integer programming model to maximize the total data retrieved via a wireless sensor networks, subject to the practical network and individual multi-mode sensor constraints. The model is different from existing ones in that it accounts for the buffer usage over time and the energy spikes incurred due to transitions between the operational modes. Heuristic procedures are developed for solving the NP-Hard problem. Simulation results exhibit that good performance can be
more » ... achieved when the routing and MAC decisions are made based on individual sensors' buffer content and residual energy.
doi:10.1145/1023756.1023779 dblp:conf/pe-wasun/CressYS04 fatcat:w63n3mcaszdjrdzspgyenk2y5u