Review on the Integration of Microelectronics for E-textile [post]

Abdella Ahmmed Simegnaw, Benny Malengier, Gideon K. Rotich, Melkie Getnet Tadesse, Lieva Van Langenhove
2021 unpublished
Modern electronic textiles are moving towards flexible wearable textiles, so-called e-textiles that have micro-electronic elements embedded onto the textile fabric that can be used for varied classes of functionalities. There are different methods of integrating rigid microelectronic components into/onto textiles for the development of smart textiles, which include, but are not limited to, physical, mechanical and chemical approaches. The integration systems must satisfy being flexible,
more » ... ght, stretchable and washable to offer a superior usability, comfortability and non-intrusiveness. Furthermore, the resulting wearable garment needs to be breathable. In this review work, three levels of integration of the microelectronics into/onto the textile structures are discussed, the textile-adapted, the textile-integrated, and the textile-based integration. The textile-integrated and the textile- adapted e-textiles have failed to efficiently meet being flexible and washable. To overcome the above problems, researchers studied the integration of microelectronics into/onto textile at fiber or yarn level applying various mechanisms. Hence, a new method of integration, textile-based, has risen to the challenge due to the flexibility and washability advantages of the ultimate product. In general, the aim of this review is to provide a complete overview of the different interconnection methods of electronic components into/onto textile substrate.
doi:10.20944/preprints202107.0388.v1 fatcat:52fgccvev5bjnpbpd5ml3he65i