A study of specific neural substrate for face processing

Jun Li, Jimin Liang, Jie Tian, Hui Zhang, Guangming Shi, Xiaoping P. Hu, Anne V. Clough
2008 Medical Imaging 2008: Physiology, Function, and Structure from Medical Images  
Recently, there were debates about the neural substrate of face processing, namely, whether the lateral middle fusiform was involved in face processing of visual expertise and categorization at individual level or specialized only for face processing. In the present study, Chinese characters were taken as the ideal comparison stimuli to reveal the neural substrate for face processing, due to their high similarity to faces on a variety of dimensions. The results demonstrated there was very
more » ... correlation between the activation pattern elicited by faces and characters in the fusiform, whereas the greater response was observed for faces than for characters in the right middle lateral fusiform gyrus, suggesting that FFA may be a special neural substrate for face processing.
doi:10.1117/12.770137 fatcat:csz6c355snchvesa7dlwmyk6ui