Astroblastoma: a rare case report

Siddanna R. Palled, Naveen Thimmaya, Sugashwaran Jagadheesan, Ibrahim Khaleel
2015 Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice  
AbstractBackgroundAn astroblastoma is a rare primary glial tumour occurring preferentially in young adults. It is characterised by a perivascular arrangement of tumour cells forming perivascular pseudorosettes mimicking ependymomas. The histogenesis of astroblastoma is unclear.Case descriptionWe present the history of a 13-year-old girl with chief complaints of headache associated with vomiting, blurring of vision on the left eye and a history of diplopia on the right eye. She underwent left
more » ... ietal parasagittal craniotomy and near-total excision of tumour. She was planned for postoperative radiotherapy 5,940 cGy in 28 fractions along with concurrent temozolamide100 mg. She had no neurological deficit or complaints during her last visit.ConclusionAstroblastomas are a distinct clinic pathologic entity, with well-described radiologic, pathologic and cytogenetic features. Its recurrence is high, and efforts must be made to elucidate the role and usefulness of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in these tumours.
doi:10.1017/s1460396915000485 fatcat:xcksdd52cvevln7vkw42vhlmhi