The Role of Gastronomic Tourism Education in Sustaining Malaysian Heritage Food [chapter]

2020 Proceedings of Tourism Development Centre International Conference  
Recognizing the prospective of Malaysian heritage food as a great tool in marketing Malaysia as a haven for a gastronomic tourism destination, tourism authorities in Malaysia have taken courageous steps in consolidating various strategies to showcase the uniqueness of Malaysian heritage delicacies. Although the strategy has successfully introduced Malaysian food to the food aficionados and foreign visitors, the sustainability of Malaysian heritage delicacies is still questionable. This paper
more » ... s to explore the role of gastronomic tourism education in sustaining Malaysian heritage food. Additionally, the types of Malaysian heritage food are highlighted while the strategies taken by Malaysian tourism authorities in preserving the heritage food are recognized.
doi:10.2478/9788395720406-002 fatcat:p5mrl2wjrbdipkvoqwd4g2di2u