Changes in shoreline positions on the Harilaid Peninsula, West Estonia, during the 20th century

R Rivis
2004 Estonian Journal of Ecology  
As Estonia has a flat and low-lying coastal zone, climate change and associated coastal processes could strongly affect the structure and development of its coastal ecosystems. Milder winters and increased storminess would result in the destruction of coastal areas. Shoreline changes on the Harilaid Peninsula (northwestern coast of Saaremaa Island) were investigated on three study sites. Maps (topographic and aerial photographs) from different times and data of direct observations
more » ... 002) were used to identify changes in the shoreline contours and position. Analysis of shoreline changes clearly show an increasing activity of shore processes over the last 20 years. Intensification of shore processes is well correlated with increased annual storminess and higher sea levels in recent decades. The diminishing of the ice cover near the coast due to warmer winters significantly enhances shore erosion, transport, and accumulation of sediments.
doi:10.3176/biol.ecol.2004.3.03 fatcat:o6xxuwge6fcyzf32ehj2p67wgm