Liver Laceration with Hemoperitoneum after Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Jin Wi, Dongho Shin
2014 The Korean Journal of Critical Care Medicine  
It is well known that external chest compression during cardiopulmonary resuscitation is frequently associated with various complications. These complications predominantly involve trauma to the heart, lungs, and chest wall, whereas cases involving intra-abdominal injury are much less frequent. The present report describes a rare case of a female patient with severe hemoperitoneum associated with liver injury after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Although emergent angiography and embolization of
more » ... the hepatic artery were performed and transfusion of various kinds of blood products was done continuously, the patient expired the next day.
doi:10.4266/kjccm.2014.29.2.141 fatcat:malw474erfggrhes22ru3jjo5e