Experience with Post Transplant Parathyroidectomy in Gulf Region and Literature Review

Samra Abouchacra, Ahmed Chaaban, Ammar Abdel Baki, Khalid Al Mashari, Saif Al Sobhi, Atia Al Zahrani, Qutaiba Hussain, Nicole Gebran, Mohamed Ahmed, Imran Khan, Bassam Bernieh, Mohammad Budruddin
2013 Open Journal of Nephrology  
Sustained elevation of parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels is not uncommon post renal transplantation. Though in the majority of patients, it gradually normalizes, on average 5% of transplanted patients require parathyroidectomy (PTX). However, PTX itself has been associated with deterioration in allograft function and even completes graft loss seen with both total and subtotal PTX as well as an increased rate of acute rejection. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of post transplant
more » ... partial PTX on allograft function in our patients as well as the incidence of acute rejection. Our results show that post transplantation, subtotal PTX, was successful in achieving metabolic control while preserving graft function without an increased incidence of acute rejection. Retention of sufficient residual parathyroid tissue with partial PTX might account for favorable outcome in our study. Despite this, surgery for advanced hyperparathyroidism should optimally take place in the pre-transplant period.
doi:10.4236/ojneph.2013.34036 fatcat:dnwnmej2uzbadbw7hkpwq6agr4