Issues in the Development of a Fitness Consulting Expert System
Danielson. Richard. R.
Fitness is closely related to the fields of health promotion, wellness, preventive health, behavioral medicine and health psychology. While each field has its own parent , they all deal with similar problems. The parent field of fitness is physical education, the parent of preventive health is wellness, the parent of health promotion is medicine and the parent of both behavioral medicine and health psychology is psychology(Klippel and DeJoy, 1984). Regardless of the origin of each of the above
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... ix fields of endeavour they all seem to focus on the same general subject area−individuals involved in 1ifestyle change・ Scientific research hεごs provided cures or preventive medicine for many of the infectious and communicable diseases which tradition一 ally faced mankind. Now, it is clear that Iifestyle related diseases are the key challenge facing health professionals in the industrialized countries of the world. Professionals working in the physical activity area have responded positively to this challenge as it has been verified that exercise . • 撃刀@an lmportant component of the daily Iifestyle of healthy persons. As physical activity professionals have become more involved in providing assistance to people who are seeking a more healthy lifestyle however, the emphasis of their work has shifted more toward the person and away from the activity itself. In other words, it is increasingly assumed that the client comes to the fitness professional not just to have a fitness test and be directed into the apPropriate activity but to obtain advice and assistance in lifestyle changes associated with a more healthy life. Thus it is increasingly the case that the exercise professional is being required to understand many aspects of the client s lifestyle and to provide support in many different areas. The expertise necessary for this type of work is obtained from the general area of psychological counseling (Abbey−Livingston and Abbey,