Quotation as a Text-Forming Element

Abdullayeva Khayala Ramiyyadin
2017 International Journal of English Linguistics  
Text (either literary or scientific) is one of the greatest units which is formed through the relationship of formal and semantic factors. It also denotes completeness of texts which forms systems of semantics, logic, pragmatic aspects. Each of the factors which is used to form the completeness of the texts has a very crucial role as well as the quotation. Quotations are considered to be main means which provide the formal-structural and logical-semantic completeness of the texts. The
more » ... g functions of the quotations as well as its functionalism have been investigated in the article.
doi:10.5539/ijel.v7n4p230 fatcat:y3o4n3qvmvbsbdncd7xqpe3kzm