Effects of Cu, Zn and Their Mixtures on Bioaccumulation and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Galleria Mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) [post]

Yagmur Mese, Benay Tuncsoy, Pınar Ozalp
2021 unpublished
The effects of Cu, Zn and their mixture on bioaccumulation and antioxidant enzyme activities of midgut and fat body of Galleria mellonella larvae were investigated. The application of metals as a mixture showed a synergistic effect and the accumulation levels were increased in both tissues. Zn accumulation increased in midgut and fat body of G. mellonella larvae exposed to metal singly. On the other hand, Cu accumulation increased in midgut, while a decrease was observed in fat body exposed to
more » ... u singly. Moreover, it was determined that oxidative stress was occured in midgut and fat body of G. mellonella larvae with significant decreases and increases in antioxidant and detoxification enzyme activities when fed singly and in mixture with different concentrations of Cu and Zn. Understanding the reactions of G. mellonella, which is a model organism showing immune system responses similar to vertebrates and bioindicator species, to metals by detoxification systems, which is an important parameter in insect physiology, is thought to contribute to future toxicological, genotoxic, physiological and ecotoxicological studies. G. mellonella larvae, which were used as a model organism, shows a similar reaction to mammals.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-848436/v1 fatcat:372lbg77mvdynfgjjz6ixgwrkq